Where does one year go? 365 days seem to pass in a blink and yet a Monday afternoon can crawl at a snail's pace! Not quite sure how that works.
If I could count how many diapers I've changed in the past 52 weeks, my head would probably spin, but it has been 1 year since Jewel #8 has graced our lives. I spend to much of my life reflecting on how fast it goes by.
I attended a play by our local high school last night with The Jane Austen Wanna Be and The Clown. It was called Our Town. If you have never seen it/read it- it is about the likes of a small town: the normal on goings of day in and day out. Marriages, deaths, life passing by and while it seems so important to each individual, it is nothing new really. I mean that the same things we face: our children growing, getting older, job changes, etc. are the same things that other "normal" people in the past have experienced, and that others in the future will experience also.
Life is a cycle. There are so many phases that seem to last so long when we are in them- the "This baby will not sleep through the night" phase, the "Bobby is learning to drive- and is driving me crazy" phase. The "staying up late into the night and sleeping in teenage phase"- well, you get my point. The thing is is that these times are just phases. Now passing through a major phase with The Jane Austen Wanna Be- for she has finished her 12th year of school and now only awaits final grades to be an official high school graduate- I am struck at how quickly these phases really are.
Funny, I don't remember most of the annoying, younger phases anymore of my oldest. Maybe that is because I am awe struck at who and what she has become, proud at her accomplishments, excited about her future, blessed to be called her mother and her friend. Thus, I know, that one day all the rest of the 7 children will too pass through their phases, and more than likely I will forget many of the frustrations I have in going through the phases with them. They, in turn, will have their own families and their life phases with their own children will begin and I will look at my husband and say "Wasn't it just yesterday when we were concerned about this?"
I don't like getting old. I hate change- good or bad. Once I get used to the change, I'm okay, but I am as stubborn as the day is long reaching that point. Now some would say that it's quite the wonder that I am able to mother 8 children - not wanting change, but I always felt that the latest one was a renewal of the continuation of the phases that I held on to. Or, I like to think of it as "job assurance."
Jewel #8 is working on walking and talking now. The only thing I enjoy more than seeing this is the warm feeling I get in watching her older siblings enjoy it too. No baby in my family ever lacked a cheering squad when it came time to try new feats.
I, like the ancestors of old- from Egypt, Rome, and America, will take part in the cycle of life- the phases that make us human. While there are many variations of themes, there lies a strong, firm on-going pattern that remains. When I am gone, I wonder what my children will remember of me. I hope it will entail singing in the morning, reading together for hours each day, loving to spend time around a game board with my loved ones- laughing and being loud in a joyful way, special time that each child got with me as they grew-preparing them for life to come, and I hope they remember my love for the Catholic Faith.
Certainly they could forget my many shortcomings- short temper, worry times, anger unjustified, selfishness, laziness- well this list could go on and on and on.
It's time to close this down- possibly for awhile. It seems that I'm going through a busy phase and keeping up with a blog has become a chore. Who knows when I'll pop in- just like an unexpected visit from a friend- only better, because you don't have to worry about having a clean house or even feeding me : )
At times, honestly, not surviving myself, but so blessed that God felt my life was worth the effort,
Friday, April 12, 2013
Friday, March 15, 2013
Wow! We are over 1/2 way through Lent and that is reason for celebration!! I look forward to spending Easter with my extended family - 3 sisters and their families, along with some of their in-laws, a few friends and my own group of 10 family members. I LOVE being together-the laughter, smiles, laughter, silliness, fun, and laughter. But, and I am feeling guilty about this, I am so happy lent is 1/2 over because I am ready to induldge in all that I gave up for Lent. Now I know that I am not alone on this- there are too many people I know that count off Lent by the Sundays. Yea for Sundays!! So, on Monday through Saturday you'll find me sniffing the coffee container and trying it get my caffinee fix from tea- a poor substitiute for coffee.
And, although I could once and awhile enjoy a pop- to help ease the caffinee addiciton, I was guilted into giving that up too, thanks to a priest who suggested I could offer up something more for Lent. : (
But, as much as I lull though the week- I have to really give credit to The Clown, who gave up drinking everything but water. Whoa! She is my hero. I find little joy in day to day without starting it and ending it with coffee and packing in a Dr. Pepper- but at least I can substitute with tea, flavored water and Sonic slushies. She is amazing also, becasue she has NOT complained once, like a certain mom I know. However, this Lent has helped us to bond in "I'm wishing it was Sunday!" cries.
Now- onto another celebration. . . We have a new pope!! I was just telling my older 3 daughters that I feel really guilty for liking Pope Francis so much already- like I didn't give Pope Benedict enough of my love?? Poor Pope Benedict, he was in the shadow of the great JP2! That is some big shoes to fill! I have a love for Pope John Paul 2! In fact, do you ever get those questions that are something like "If you could spend one day with anyone in the world and in history, who would it be?" I would pick Pope John Paul the Second hands down. Now, just know what I have learned about Pope Frances- I find myself falling in love with his character. I am so excited about his election- so thrilled to be a Catholic.
What about you- are you celebrating anything? Are you ready for Christ's resurection? I pray that you are- I also pray that you are having a frutful Lent. Until Easter though, you'll find me looking for more facts about Pope Frances and sniffing ground coffee : )
Oh- on another note- my husband my just announced to my family that we will take a family vacation sometime in July. That, for those of you keeping track, is 4 months away. Do you KNOW how long 4 months is to 4 kids under the age of 11? Do you KNOW how long 4 months will seem to me when I have to hear daily how we need to start packing, buying clothes, and answering shark questions?!?
Yeah, I'll keep you updated on that!
Surviving myself while celebrating little pleasures in life,
And, although I could once and awhile enjoy a pop- to help ease the caffinee addiciton, I was guilted into giving that up too, thanks to a priest who suggested I could offer up something more for Lent. : (
But, as much as I lull though the week- I have to really give credit to The Clown, who gave up drinking everything but water. Whoa! She is my hero. I find little joy in day to day without starting it and ending it with coffee and packing in a Dr. Pepper- but at least I can substitute with tea, flavored water and Sonic slushies. She is amazing also, becasue she has NOT complained once, like a certain mom I know. However, this Lent has helped us to bond in "I'm wishing it was Sunday!" cries.
Now- onto another celebration. . . We have a new pope!! I was just telling my older 3 daughters that I feel really guilty for liking Pope Francis so much already- like I didn't give Pope Benedict enough of my love?? Poor Pope Benedict, he was in the shadow of the great JP2! That is some big shoes to fill! I have a love for Pope John Paul 2! In fact, do you ever get those questions that are something like "If you could spend one day with anyone in the world and in history, who would it be?" I would pick Pope John Paul the Second hands down. Now, just know what I have learned about Pope Frances- I find myself falling in love with his character. I am so excited about his election- so thrilled to be a Catholic.
What about you- are you celebrating anything? Are you ready for Christ's resurection? I pray that you are- I also pray that you are having a frutful Lent. Until Easter though, you'll find me looking for more facts about Pope Frances and sniffing ground coffee : )
Oh- on another note- my husband my just announced to my family that we will take a family vacation sometime in July. That, for those of you keeping track, is 4 months away. Do you KNOW how long 4 months is to 4 kids under the age of 11? Do you KNOW how long 4 months will seem to me when I have to hear daily how we need to start packing, buying clothes, and answering shark questions?!?
Yeah, I'll keep you updated on that!
Surviving myself while celebrating little pleasures in life,
Monday, February 11, 2013
Lenten Ideas
Where does time go? Christmas is over and Easter is on the way- which means that Lent is here now too. . . along with the seemingly endless ideas of what one can do for Lent. In the past our family has given up T.V. for Lent and tried to do more family oriented activities. This has been harder on some more than others. We also try to take something on, maybe as a family or as individuals. Thinking on this reminded me of the time I've taken on with my kids to what we call "special time." I know, not a grand and glorious name- but it is what it claims.
The reason I bring this up is that I've been asked before what books I use during the special time I spend with the kids and so I thought I'd pass along some titles and challenge others to pick up one or more and share it during this Lent.
One of the book series I use around 11 to 13 years of age is The Secret Keeper Girls by Dannah Gresh:

These are fun books that reflect on how special the gift of modesty is for girls and how to treasure this gift. They offer Mom/daughter "dates" to help bring the points home. The second one also has Bible reflection/studies that are neat to share together.
As my girls got older, we moved on to "heaver" topics duing our special time- for this I recommend anything by Joshua Harris and Jason Evert:

Theses are for more mature age- around 15/16 and up. While Joshua Harris isn't Catholic and Jason Evert is, both have excellent information to share on the gift of sexuality.
My list of books could go on and on, and if you want a more complete list, let me know. Most of them are for girls, but I do have books titles that are geared for boys also.
I hope whatever you do for you Lent, you will grow closer to our Lord and maybe even to loved ones.
Surviving myself while I look forward to Lent,
The reason I bring this up is that I've been asked before what books I use during the special time I spend with the kids and so I thought I'd pass along some titles and challenge others to pick up one or more and share it during this Lent.
One of the book series I use around 11 to 13 years of age is The Secret Keeper Girls by Dannah Gresh:

These are fun books that reflect on how special the gift of modesty is for girls and how to treasure this gift. They offer Mom/daughter "dates" to help bring the points home. The second one also has Bible reflection/studies that are neat to share together.
As my girls got older, we moved on to "heaver" topics duing our special time- for this I recommend anything by Joshua Harris and Jason Evert:
Theses are for more mature age- around 15/16 and up. While Joshua Harris isn't Catholic and Jason Evert is, both have excellent information to share on the gift of sexuality.
My list of books could go on and on, and if you want a more complete list, let me know. Most of them are for girls, but I do have books titles that are geared for boys also.
I hope whatever you do for you Lent, you will grow closer to our Lord and maybe even to loved ones.
Surviving myself while I look forward to Lent,
Sunday, January 6, 2013
The safe spot
Happy Epiphany!
I am not like those wonderful blogger mom's that celebrate Epiphany with creative little traditions shared with loving kids around a welcoming dinner table, topped with mouth-watering goodness served on a silver platter. So- if you're looking for that, you are in the wrong place! Hey, I actually had to go look up how to spell Epiphany correctly for this post! The only way we celebrate Epiphany is by taking down the Christmas decorations around the house. Usually this is keeping up holiday ornamentation much longer than any of the neighbors or friends. However, I noticed that there are many Christmas lights still blinking in the neighborhood and after dropping in at my parents house, I saw their tree still standing tall in the corner. Ummmm, I'm feeling a little Scroogish. Maybe everyone one caught a bit of Christmas spirit that is thriving strong while I by passed those sentiments. I might just be on the retail's schedule and looking towards Valentine's Day.
All this speculations aside, I did get to celebrate Epiphany in a special way- by attending Mass not once, but twice.
Due to a cough/illness that The Bookworm caught, I was blessed to participate in an evening Mass, since she felt well enough to go later. Now, if you asked The Boy and The Baby Boy how they felt about celebrating Epiphany this way, they wouldn't see it as a blessing per say. If you are reading this, you either have young children or have had young children, and you can most likely understand how going to 2 Masses isn't on little ones' top 10 list of things they want to do. A special Regency dance took the rest of the family away tonight though, so off to church went The Bookworm, Jewel, the 2 boys and myself.
Here comes the safe spot. Again, as parents with smaller children, you will know what I'm talking about when attending Mass with a little child in your arms and a small child at your side- there is a spot where the small child standing by you can "hide" under the one in your arms- and you cannot get to them. Moving the infant in you arms only brings results of the sibling shuffling to keep up with the safe spot, less Mom should get hold of him- which at that point would not be good for them!
Are you starting to see my Epiphany celebration? It could have been titled "Jesus might have got frankincense, but if I get hold of you, you'll get a different type of sense!!@!"
Needless to say, we did make it though Mass a second time. The boys managed to stay hidden in the safe spot, under Jewel. And only a handful of close parishioners were entertained by the "fighting of the bull" show we put on.
While I'm sure Jesus didn't complain about his wonderful gifts from the wise men, I too am not going to balk at the sweet little gift I received on Epiphany either. As I nestled next to the boys tonight while tucking them in, I explained that I was going to show them mercy and not carry out punishment because it was a special day and every once in awhile I too must practice Christ's love. It was then received that little tug on the heart when praying a forgiveness prayer with the boys. The Baby Boy's face fell in sadness, knowing that he had hurt Mom's feelings and Jesus' too by his Mass shenanigans. And his big brown eyes widened even more with sorrow as he looked at me as he said he was sorry.
It wasn't gold, frankincense or myrrh, but to me, it was priceless! It's little times like this that I understand that God has created safe spots for us all- and you know when you are in them because even if there is something/someone threatening you, your heart swells knowing that God is close and you are safe- even if it's just until you hear "Mass is ended, go in peace."
Surviving myself and enjoying my own "safe spots,"
I am not like those wonderful blogger mom's that celebrate Epiphany with creative little traditions shared with loving kids around a welcoming dinner table, topped with mouth-watering goodness served on a silver platter. So- if you're looking for that, you are in the wrong place! Hey, I actually had to go look up how to spell Epiphany correctly for this post! The only way we celebrate Epiphany is by taking down the Christmas decorations around the house. Usually this is keeping up holiday ornamentation much longer than any of the neighbors or friends. However, I noticed that there are many Christmas lights still blinking in the neighborhood and after dropping in at my parents house, I saw their tree still standing tall in the corner. Ummmm, I'm feeling a little Scroogish. Maybe everyone one caught a bit of Christmas spirit that is thriving strong while I by passed those sentiments. I might just be on the retail's schedule and looking towards Valentine's Day.
All this speculations aside, I did get to celebrate Epiphany in a special way- by attending Mass not once, but twice.
Due to a cough/illness that The Bookworm caught, I was blessed to participate in an evening Mass, since she felt well enough to go later. Now, if you asked The Boy and The Baby Boy how they felt about celebrating Epiphany this way, they wouldn't see it as a blessing per say. If you are reading this, you either have young children or have had young children, and you can most likely understand how going to 2 Masses isn't on little ones' top 10 list of things they want to do. A special Regency dance took the rest of the family away tonight though, so off to church went The Bookworm, Jewel, the 2 boys and myself.
Here comes the safe spot. Again, as parents with smaller children, you will know what I'm talking about when attending Mass with a little child in your arms and a small child at your side- there is a spot where the small child standing by you can "hide" under the one in your arms- and you cannot get to them. Moving the infant in you arms only brings results of the sibling shuffling to keep up with the safe spot, less Mom should get hold of him- which at that point would not be good for them!
Are you starting to see my Epiphany celebration? It could have been titled "Jesus might have got frankincense, but if I get hold of you, you'll get a different type of sense!!@!"
Needless to say, we did make it though Mass a second time. The boys managed to stay hidden in the safe spot, under Jewel. And only a handful of close parishioners were entertained by the "fighting of the bull" show we put on.
While I'm sure Jesus didn't complain about his wonderful gifts from the wise men, I too am not going to balk at the sweet little gift I received on Epiphany either. As I nestled next to the boys tonight while tucking them in, I explained that I was going to show them mercy and not carry out punishment because it was a special day and every once in awhile I too must practice Christ's love. It was then received that little tug on the heart when praying a forgiveness prayer with the boys. The Baby Boy's face fell in sadness, knowing that he had hurt Mom's feelings and Jesus' too by his Mass shenanigans. And his big brown eyes widened even more with sorrow as he looked at me as he said he was sorry.
It wasn't gold, frankincense or myrrh, but to me, it was priceless! It's little times like this that I understand that God has created safe spots for us all- and you know when you are in them because even if there is something/someone threatening you, your heart swells knowing that God is close and you are safe- even if it's just until you hear "Mass is ended, go in peace."
Surviving myself and enjoying my own "safe spots,"
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
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